Nordic Congress of Ophthalmology 2018


会议名称:Nordic Congress of Ophthalmology 2018






具体地点:Norway Oslo






The main subject of the congress is "The future burden and possibilities in ophthalmology".

We are about to finalize a comprehensive scientific program, and a broad range of top Nordic and selected international speakers covering all major fields of clinical ophthalmology have been recruited, and more will be confirmed during the following weeks. The updated list of all speakers and organizers of the scientific program can be found under PROGRAMME.

NOK 2018 will also have a large Exhibition of the latest equipment and treatment possibilities in ophthalmology. The updated list of all sponsors confirmed to the meeting can be found under EXHIBITION.

The Young Ophthalmologist (YO) program is more ambitious than ever, and will include a YO day with top Nordic and international speakers as well as dry lab sessions in cataract, strabismus and glaucoma surgery.

In addition, our Allied Health day offers a wide variety of speakers from the Nordic countries tailored for both ophthalmic nurses, optometrists, orthoptists, ophthalmic assistants and technicians from ophthalmic departments or private clinics.

We hope you will enjoy the late summer season in our beautiful city! It is the perfect time to visit Oslo, including Reception in the impressing Oslo City Hall and Congress dinner at The Norwegian Opera House.